Certification Assessment

What is the Certification Assessment?

Coding and Robotics skills are widely recognised as key STEM skills required for the everchanging digital world we live in. This is reflected by the fact that it is mandatory for high school students in NSW to learn coding and primary students are encouraged to learn to code. Over the last few years, we have inspired and trained thousands of students in this area and the Assessment is designed to formally assess and recognise the skills acquired by students.

The Assessment is aligned with our Coding/Robotics framework that we have developed from our experience of working with thousands of students over the last few years. Whilst the coding principles are universal and language/interface agnostic, we have chosen Scratch and LEGO(R) Mindstorms(R) EV3 as the tools to facilitate these Assessments. The AARAS Certification Assessments are open to any primary or high school students. The Assessment will be scheduled once a quarter on a weekend and will typically be between 1 to 2 hours consisting of multiple-choice questions, short answers, a short project, and practical assessment (for robotics students).

Why should your child sit the Assessment?
  • Identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Formally recognise your child’s coding/robotics skills
  • Obtain certification from AARAS Education that can be used to support your child’s high school application or similar
What is the cost?

The cost of each assessment is $29.99.

What are the dates?

Term 2 – 13th Jun from 10 AM at Parramatta East Public School

Term 3 – 29th Aug from 10 AM at Parramatta East Public School

Term 4 – 28th Oct from 2 PM at Girraween Public School

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Please read the FAQ below.

Certification FAQ

Who is the Assessment designed for?
  • The Assessment is opened to any primary or high school student. You do not need to be studying with AARAS Education to appear for the Assessment.
What are the levels of the Assessments?
  • The Assessment levels are aligned to the four stages of Coding and Robotics outlined in our proprietary framework. Introductory -> Intermediate 1 -> Intermediate 2 -> Advanced.
Can a student appear for a higher level of Assessment without passing the lower levels?
  • A student must appear and successfully pass lower levels prior to appearing for the higher levels of Assessment.
When is it offered?
  • The Assessment will be offered once a term on a weekend.
What is the duration of the Assessment?
  • The Coding Assessment will 1 hour.
  • The Robotics Assessment will be 1.5 hours.
What is the structure of the Assessments?
  • The Coding Assessment will typically consist of multiple-choice questions, short answers, and a short project depending on the level of Assessment.
  • The Robotics Assessments will typically consist of multiple-choice questions, short answers and a practical assessment using the LEGO(R) Mindstorms(R) EV3 depending on the level of Assessment.
What preparation is required to appear for the Assessment?
  • Students enrolled in AARAS Education will not require any additional preparation as our programs and activities are aligned to the Framework we use for the Assessment as well.
  • We recommend other students to be familiar with the topics described in our Framework.
What is the passing mark for the Assessment?
  • The passing mark is 65%
What happens if my child does not pass the Assessment?
  • Your child will be provided with another opportunity to re-appear for the Assessment without any additional cost.
What to bring on the day of the Certificate Exam?
  • On registration and payment for the Assessment, a confirmation email will be sent to you. You/your child must bring the email confirmation on the day of the Assessment.
Is this Assessment recognised by schools or any industry body?
  • This is an emerging area and there is no formal standard for students. As a leading provider of Coding/Robotics education in Australia, we are taking a lead in this area and this assessment will be a catalyst. This assessment is based on our years of experience working with thousands of students.
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